Thursday, 24 November 2011

Annual General Meeting (26th November 2011)

Attention all HKMas society members,

The Hong Kong and Malaysian Society will be holding its Annual General Meeting this coming Saturday. The details are as follows:

Date: 26th November 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 10.30-12.00 pm
Venue: Murray Library Lecture Hall

This meeting is opened to all members whereby all members are encouraged to attend and actively participate.

The agenda of the meeting is listed below:

1. Election on 3 International Officer. (If anyone is interested please do turn up on this AGM this Saturday. It is best if you are from 1st year, 2nd and from St.Peter)

2. Giving certificate to all the participants and players.

3. Up coming event

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the society at or contact our president Eelian Tan (07743241450) or Vice President (07586732587)

Thank you.

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Welcome message.

Welcome to the blog of the University of Sunderland, Hong Kong and Malaysia Society (HKMaS). Recently established, HKMaS is one of the official student societies aiming to provide diversity to the Institute of Sport and Students' Union. At the same time we promote and represent the interests of Hong Kong and Malaysian Students at this University.

Adrian Ng

President 2008-2010
Founder of HKMaS