Tuesday, 2 June 2009

UKEC Yarm & Hutton Rudby Trip (21 March 2009)

The trip didn’t turn out as expected but we were able to witness the horse race. Because of the time, we were forced to cancel the hiking to a walk back from the village fair to the village itself. Too be more optimistic, the view was not too bad with flowers, rivers, bridge, beautiful landscape and cosy houses by the roadside.

Everything went on smooth until we notice that we mistakenly read the wrong rail timetable. We were only left with 20 minutes to spare to travel to the train station which took up about 30 minutes on the outward trip. It was like a 2.4km marathon but we all made it in the nick of time. Congratulation everyone for your hard work, all our goals are made for today, we had our village fair experience, a hike of a lifetime (marathon), and taste of victory drench in sweat.

- Alison Chai
Finance Officer

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Welcome to the blog of the University of Sunderland, Hong Kong and Malaysia Society (HKMaS). Recently established, HKMaS is one of the official student societies aiming to provide diversity to the Institute of Sport and Students' Union. At the same time we promote and represent the interests of Hong Kong and Malaysian Students at this University.

Adrian Ng

President 2008-2010
Founder of HKMaS