Saturday, 27 November 2010

Trip to LIVERPOOL 2010

Dear all,

We are organizing a trip to Liverpool!! Anyone interested? Come along! It's a place worth visiting with all the attractions it has. Don't miss out the chance! REGISTER NOW BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!
Tell your friends about it!

Below are the details of the LIVERPOOL TRIP!

[Transport Info.]
Date: 4th December 2010

Meeting Time: 5:45am (Murray Library)
Departure Time: 6.00am (Murray Library)
Estimated Arrival Time: 9:00am (Liverpool town centre)

Meeting Time: 5.45pm (Liverpool town centre)
Departure Time: 6.00pm (Liverpool town centre)
Estimated Arrival Time: 9.00pm (Murray Library)

[Trip Registration]
All participants who need transport must be members of HKMaS due to insurance policies. Non-members can become members at CitySpace or Sports Office. We operate a first-come-first-serve basis. (We expect this bus to be full so please register quickly to prevent disappointment) *There are NO sports for this trip.

Trip Registration Deadline: 5.00pm, 30 November 2010 (non-negotiable)
Transport Cost: £15 per member
(Please provide 1st name and last name stated in the member card, ID No. on member card, contact details and any health problems when registering)

Contact, Money: Ling Dian Ying (Treasurer) 07540189725
Tiong Hui Ping (Vice Treasurer) 07541573599

Contact, Information: Collin Lu (President) 07854941250


Welcome message.

Welcome to the blog of the University of Sunderland, Hong Kong and Malaysia Society (HKMaS). Recently established, HKMaS is one of the official student societies aiming to provide diversity to the Institute of Sport and Students' Union. At the same time we promote and represent the interests of Hong Kong and Malaysian Students at this University.

Adrian Ng

President 2008-2010
Founder of HKMaS