Malaysia is a country located in the center of the Southeast Asia, surrounded by Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore. Malaysia has thirteen states and three federal territories separated into 2 regions by the South China Sea. Malays, Chinese, Indians make up the main ethnic groups, there are also many other ethnic groups, which all have lived together in Malaysia for generations. The combination of the many different cultures and vast ethnicity makes Malaysia a truly unique country. The people are friendly and the country has a lot to offer in terms of sight, sound and taste.
Redang Island
There are many attractions in Malaysia. The nature lovers will love the enchanting rain forests in East Malaysia, track up Mount Kinabalu and bask on the beautiful beach in Redang Island. For city lover, Kuala Lumpur will be the best destination, it is the most industrialized region in the country and has a wide variety of shopping centers and mega malls which carry well-known global and local brands.
Interestingly, the architectures in Malaysia are combinations of many different styles, influenced by the different cultures and religions found here. Hindu-Indian, Arab-Muslim, and Chinese have the most influence, while some influences from the Portuguese and British during the colonization still remain in local architecture.
Ais Kacang
Malaysian food is not one particular kind of food but a unique culinary spectrum originating from Malaysia's multi-ethnic population that has melded together sampling tastes, ingredients and cooking methods from each other. Each state has different things to offer in terms of culinary delights.
Malaysia has a wide variety of traditional handicrafts. Some of the popular items include Perak's labu sayong, geluk, belanga, Chinese dragon kiln ceramics and Sarawakian tribal motif pottery. Batik, songket, pua kumbu and tekat are some of the traditional Malaysian textile which is most sought after for its vibrant captivating colors. There are also a lot of leather-crafted goods, beadwork necklaces from Borneo or finely made gold and silver jewelry adorned with gems.
- Vincent Liew
Malaysian Representative